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New Castle United Methodist Church


Compassion International exists as a Christian Child Advocacy Ministry that releases  children from spiritual, economic, social, and physical poverty and enables them to be responsible, fulfilled Christian adults. Founded by the Rev. Everett Swanson in 1952, Compassion began providing Korean war orphans with food, shelter, education, and health care, as well as Christian training. Today, Compassion helps more than 1.2 million children in 26 countries.

The coordinator of this international, interdenominational Christian ministry encourages members to sponsor a child from an impoverished country. A number of members of this congregation, including the coordinator, have done so. As an alternative way to minister to the needy; members may select one or more items from the Gift Catalog to provide a one-time gift, such as Emergency Food or Mosquito Nets.

For more information concerning Compassion International check out their website.

Compassion International